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KNRTU-KAI signed a cooperation agreement with BSTU


KNRTU-KAI delegation paid a visit to the Belarusian State Technological University

On May 15, Rector of KNRTU-KAI Dr. Timur Alibaev, accompanied by the Vice Rector for Education Dr. Roman Moiseev, Advisor to the Rector Prof. Rinat Yusupov, Head of the Department of General Chemistry and Ecology Prof. Yulia Tunakova and Head of the Department for Educational Projects Prof. Sirena Zaripova arrived in Minsk, Republic of Belarus.

After the welcoming speech of both rectors of Belarusian State Technological University and Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev-KAI, the participants of the official meeting discussed areas of collaboration between two universities. Then, an agreement on cooperation, concerning the development of joint educational programs, research projects and summer schools, between BSTU and KNRTU-KAI was signed.

First KNRTU-KAI representatives viewed the permanent exhibition of scientific and technical developments of BSTU, the Museum of History and Establishment of the Belarusian University, Xylotheca (wood collection) and BSTU Children's Technopark. Then, they visited the departments and laboratories of the university, such as the Center of Physical and Chemical Investigation Methods, Game Management Lab, furnace room of the Department of Glass and Ceramics Technology, as well as the Departments of Polymer Composite Materials and Chemical Wood Processing.

Finally, KNRTU-KAI took part in the opening ceremony of the II International Youth Environmental Forum.


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